The GYAT Group


The Gardan Horizon G-GYAT group has been formed from like minded aviators keen to pursue our sport and pastime of Light Aviation.

Club hire rates for aircraft are so high nowadays (£160/hr for comparable type) that group ownership seems to be the most affordable way to fly significant number of hours each year and visit places of interest.

 We all fly from Rochester (EGTO) and Farthing Corner (EGMF) in North Kent and between us have about 1000 hrs on various types including C152, DR400, GY80, PA38, C172. Flights range from training, through to European far flung destinations. We all belong to the Pilots and Friends of Rochester Airport (PAFRA) group and have helped with organising events at Rochester in previous years.

The group exists around a simple set of rules both written and unwritten. A group of gentlemen who are flexible in their approach and men of their word. We encourage users to make full use of the aircraft, even on the spur of the moment if no-one else is using her.

The aircraft was looked after by Mr David Hockings of Cristal Air maintenance, who is to be recommended for his in-depth knowledge of all matters to do with aviation. His skills range through; QFI, Examiner, Licenced Engineer, Commercial pilot and Insurance loss adjuster, but is now on an EASA Permit To Fly which adds more flexibility to her maintenance and keeps costs down.