G-GYAT Gardan Horizon GY80

Group Rules

  1. Aircraft

G-GYAT is a Gardan Horizon GY80-180 and is on an EASA Permit To Fly overseen by the LAA. She is owned and operated by the GYAT Group. The Aircraft shall be operated in accordance with the published performance data in the flight manual. The aircraft must not be flown without the official copy of the flight manual on-board. It is recommended that the aircraft manual is studied before flight and particular notice is taken of the fuel management and undercarriage operation. Equipment in the aircraft is the property of the group and each member is responsible for any loss or damage to the equipment when they are the commander of the aircraft. Insurance is carried on the hull of the aircraft for all risks to a value of £35000, together with combined single limit £3.75M 3rd party liability cover. There is an excess of £500 for all claims. 

  1. Bookings

Advance bookings may be made subject to availability. Bookings may be made by using the Internet and the Yahoo "gardanhorizon" group booking system. This is the Master Diary. Bookings that span more than 2 weekdays, or one day at a weekend, are subject to a minimum hours requirement of 1 hour per day. Booking out an entire day for a one hour jolly is not fair to the other group members and should be avoided. Spur of the moment un-booked use is allowed but only for sorties of less than 1 hour, take off to touch down time and in range of Rochester / Farthing Corner to allow recall by a member having a booking. This allows a group member to use the aircraft if it is a nice day without a formal booking. Wherever possible though group members are asked to check the Internet diary or call someone who may be able to check for him. If this facility is abused it will be withdrawn. One long booking every six months will be allowed. This may be for no longer than 8 consecutive days without prior agreement of the group.


  1. Charges

The charges will be those agreed by the group for when the hours are flown, currently £75 per hour.(1/6/16) The hours relate to each Tachometer Hour recorded on the aircraft during the usage period and are pro-rata for fractions of an hour. There are no minimum hours if returned the same day. If the aircraft is to be kept away from Home for more than 1 day it is expected that the user will fly a least one hour per day. For example a flight from Rochester to Cranfield followed by a two night stay and a return to Rochester will only achieve aprox 1 1/4 hours flying time. This is not an efficient use of the aircraft and a minimum charge of 3 hours would be made for the three days that the aircraft is away from home base. Each month the nominated group member will remove the log sheets and apportion the hours flown. This information will be used to inform each group member how much he has to pay to the groups bank account to cover his hours flown. Each group member shall, on or before the 7th of the month, pay into the group account the standing charge of £95. It is hoped that by the 7th of each month each group member will have been told how many hours he has flown so that all credits to the account may be made in one transaction. Any fuel not purchased from Rochester, where we have an account, will be re-imbursed at the current Rochester rate or the value of the receipts, whichever is less. The group is not VAT registered. All other direct costs, charges and expenses incurred during use including, but not limited to, landing fees, navigation charges, parking and hangarage (whilst away from Home Base) are the responsibility of the user and he agrees to indemnify the group from any liability whatsoever from any such charges. With the exception of a repair/replacement fund the group will not build cash surpluses to cover unbudgeted expenses or make a profit.


  1. Pilot Qualification.

The Pilot In Command must hold a valid UK / EASA  pilot's licence and a current medical certificate/declaration. Before using, the Pilot must undergo, or have undergone, a complex type flying checkout on the aircraft by a QFI approved by the group and have his logbook endorsed. The pilot must have at least 100 hours total experience. If there is a shortfall of total hours then another group member or an instructor shall accompany that group member until the minimum hours requirement is met. If no hours have been flown in the group aircraft for 90 days then either, another group member (as P1), or a QFI, shall accompany the out of check group member for a minimum half hour flight. Continued familiarisation and training may be undertaken but all fees due to the QFI must be separately negotiated with, and paid to, the instructor.


  1. Actions before using.

Before the sortie commences the Pilot in Command must satisfy himself that the Aircraft is in airworthy condition, that valid certificates of Airworthiness and Maintenance are, and will be, in force throughout the use period, that the insurance cover, (copy in aircraft) is, and will be during the period of use be, adequate, that there are sufficient hours remaining before the next maintenance check and generally that all applicable legal and regulatory requirements are and will be fully met. The user will be considered to have so satisfied himself.


  1. Use of Aircraft & Logging.

The Pilot In Command, must complete and sign the Record Sheet kept in the aircraft noting the hours flown and any defects noticed before and after the flight. Any defect causing AOG unserviceability shall be dealt with as per Para 7. The Pilot must during the period of use ensure that all applicable laws and regulations are complied with, that all insurance conditions are complied with, that nothing is done to invalidate or void the insurance cover and that nothing is done that might endanger the group's title to the aircraft, or the group's ability to recover the aircraft in good condition.

  1. Unserviceability

Any event or circumstance causing the aircraft to become unserviceable must be reported immediately to the group. Arrangements for repair or maintenance will be made as soon as reasonably possible. There shall be one group member as the point of contact with the Engineer or LAA Inspector. Pilots are expected to perform certain tasks themselves, inflate tyres, clean windscreen, check & replenish oil, wash off bugs after use and in addition help with 50hr and annual servicing and Permit inspection Pilots must notify the group of any "heavy" landings in order that inspection may be carried out prior to the aircraft being used by another Pilot. Advice must be sought before committing a defect to the tech log as this may ground the aircraft unnecessarily. Should a pilot take the aircraft more than 4 hours flying time from home base and find the aircraft unserviceable, then it is the Pilots responsibility to find engineering  assistance locally to enable the aircraft to be repaired or re-patriated at his expense.


  1. Risks and liability.

Use of the Aircraft shall be entirely at the risk of the user. The group accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any loss, damage or injury suffered by any persons or property during the use period or in connection with the use of the aircraft. Subject to any cover provided by the insurers, the user shall indemnify the group against all liability, claims, losses, costs and expenses in any way arising from, or in connection with, the operation of the aircraft during the use period. The insurance excess (£500) is the sole liability of the Pilot in command. Any damage incurred whilst in the hangar on the grass tie down or on the apron at Home Base must be notified to the airport manager or co-ordinator immediately and the rest of the group as soon as possible. Any excess due as a result of damage whilst correctly tied down will be borne by the group. In the event of a total insurance loss the assets of the group will be divided equally among the group members.


  1. End of Use.

At the end of the sortie the aircraft must be returned to the tie down/hangar  in a clean and tidy condition and in accordance with any conditions for use imposed from time to time by the operators of the Airport. If soft grass field landings have been made and there is a mud under the wings, in the wheel wells or on the tail the user is required to rinse off the mud by utilising the washing facilities to be found at the Airport. In the case of Rochester, the user is advised to make a request to the Rochester Duty FISO or Duty Manager before commencing. There is a cabinet in the Farthing Corner hangar that contains cleaning materials.


  1. Roles of Group members.

On a rota basis one group member shall take responsibility for collecting the logsheet on the last day of the month and e-mailing the breakdown of hours and the amount to be paid by each member into the group bank account. Since this is a small group all other responsibilities shall be shared.


  1. Special Rule of this group unlike any other you have encountered.

This group was formed by a group of like-minded aviators who intend to keep and maintain the aircraft as if they wholly owned it. To this end, and knowing the frailties of human good intention, this group makes an additional charge of £5 per month, per member for cleaning charges. Each member may either pay this amount or may have this charge waived if he performs some maintenance activity during the month. These activities, which should be no less than 30 minutes effort, may be for example washing, hoovering out, window polishing, trim cleaning or some other activity that could be described as "TLC" (Tender Loving Care). It does not count if you just wipe the leading edges of bugs that have accumulated during your flight(s). It may be that a mutually agreeable day may be nominated for a Wash and Brush up where all members turnout for that months duties. Monies collected by those members not able to undertake their monthly TLC shall be used to help maintain and keep the aircraft in excellent condition, if necessary by paying for cleaning to be undertaken by others or to pay for cleaning materials.


  1. Decisions - Agreements.

Should an urgent matter arise then all members of the group shall be involved in the decision making process. Where this is not possible due to holidays or absence a majority of 4 group members may make decisions. In exceptional circumstance where the aircraft is grounded 3/7 majority may make decisions but the decision must be justified. These rules may be amended by a 4/7ths majority vote of the group members.


  1. Disposal of shares.

Members of the group have, with 1 months notice, the right to dispose of their share at any price to a licenced pilot or student. The group has the right to veto the purchase of the share but such a right shall not be used unreasonably. If a member defaults in his monthly or hourly payments they may not sell their share until any outstanding balance is cleared. Group members who default in payment of their charges shall not fly the aircraft and their share may be sold by the remaining group members in-order to recover any debt at any price they deem reasonable. The balance, after all expenses and deductions, shall be paid to the defaulting group member. A members shareholding shall not be subdivided.


    It has already been agreed by majority vote (2010) that a seventh share may be sold if an interested party comes forward. The amount raised by sale of an additional share will be paid into the group’s bank account to bolster the engine fund and secure a stronger financial position.


  1. Accounts.

Accounts will be provided and interim accounts may be requested at any time. A budget will be produced each year and the hourly and monthly charging structure will be reviewed. The treasurer may pay expenses up to £1000, but any expenditure over and above this will involve the agreement of the group.

  1. Passing Away of a Group Member.

In this event the ownership of the aircraft share would pass to the beneficiaries. They would be at liberty to sell the share according to the rules in Para 13. They may also request the group re-purchase the share or it may be gifted back into the group.



Group Members Name & address………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Date of Joining…………………………………………………………….



Signature accepting these rules…………………………………………..