The APAG Fly-in for Gardan Types at Orleans St Dennis
1st June 2003.
Two of the group members decided to Fly to Orleans for the APAG Gardan Fly-In on 31st May - 1st June 2003.
This was the first APAG meeting for us. We took our respective sons and daughters to experience their first long flight in G-GYAT
We were lucky enough to meet the designer of the GY80 Mr. Yves Gardan.
Yves Gardan - GY80 Designer.
GYAT Junior Crew.
A Gaggle of Gardans.
The Irish Contingent arrives.
Aren't they nice !!
Yours Truly.
Our Host and Driver Jean Foucher - In white shorts.
Its a stressful life being Cabin Crew.
Ah The Apron at Orleans.
No you can't be P1 Chris.
Yves Gardan - GY80 Designer discusses the Mini Cab
Homebound over Rouen.
A lovely couple of days out in France viewing the other variations of GY80
Many thanks to APAG and Jean Foucher and his helpers.